Inquiry Form

Thank you for your interest in our website. The protection of your privacy is very important to us. Below we inform you in detail about the handling of your data.

Personal Information Protection Policy

Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd. (hereafter referred to as "Shimadzu") recognizes the importance of personal information, and we consider it our obligation to properly protect personal information that we may acquire. Shimadzu addresses this obligation by adhering to the following policies.

1. Management of Personal Information

A. Shimadzu does not disclose personal information to third parties, except in the following instances.

When it is required by a court of law, etc.

B. When personal information is consigned to a third party, appropriate supervision implemented through contractual obligation, etc. ensures that there is no leakage or re-offering of the entrusted information.

2. Handling of Personal Information

A. Personal information received in the normal course of business, such as from business cards, etc, or from the internet, official journals, government records, etc., and personal information obtained from inquiries, applications for documents requests, seminars, etc., will be used when it is necessary to contact you directly. It may also be used for product guidance and services, as well as for surveys.

3. Personal Information Sharing between Shimadzu Group Businesses and Representatives

A. Personal information acquired by Shimadzu group businesses may be shared among Shimadzu subsidiaries and representative agencies. In addition, personal information acquired from cooperative enterprises (including vendors, contract manufacturers, various service providers, etc.) may also be shared with Shimadzu subsidiaries.   
For details, refer to (Scope of Personal Information Shared)

4. Contacts for Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

A. Contact information regarding personal information usage confirmation, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, cessation of offering, and complaints, etc, are as noted below.


79 Science Park Drive, #02-01/08, Cintech IV   
Singapore Science Park 1, Singapore 118264   
Tel: +(65) 6778-6280, Fax: +(65) 6779-2935

B. Inquiries will be limited to the individual in question only, or an authorized representative of the individual. Further confirmation may be required that the individual or the individual's representative making the inquiry is the one whose information is in question.

5. Cookies

A. There are specific areas of our website(s) that use a programming function known as 'cookies', which record information about your visit to our website on your hard drive. This is NOT considered a security risk, and only records information that you provide us. This information is NOT available to other websites. It is uniquely yours and can only be read by the server that gave it to you.

Changes to the Privacy Statement

All material changes to our Privacy Policy and practices is subject to change without notice, and will be posted on this page. The revision date shown at the top of the page will be updated accordingly.

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